All photos on this page are of road or shop names that relate to someone of something in the costa-del-tonbridge. For example take a look at this picture, You know my name right? (Its Peter Hill if you didn't) Now remember that and look at this: -

Isn't that amazing! The photo was taken at Peter's Hill in London. I really doubt that there will be a better photo than that one but here are some more photo's with a similiar theme anyway: -

This photo is of nathan Duffield standing under a shop in liverpool called "Edwards" A nice tribute to the Edwards family.
Here's another photo from Liverpool, Bella Weedon standing under a Casa Bella sign.  
Here is Stuart Grant and Adam Thoroughgood remembering their roots with a tribute to Kent. Photo was taken in swansea
A bit closer to home here is Suzie Barnett at Barnetts Close in Soughborough. There was also a Barnetts Way bit some idiot had parked a van in front of the sign. No respect!