* Statistics do not include the second visit at Embankment


Number of pubs visited:- 27

Total time taken: - Exactly 12 Hours

Shortest time spent in pub: - 7 Minutes - The Wellington – Temple, Station No. 2

Longest time spent in pub: - 54 Minutes – Crown & Anchor –Euston Square Station No. 14(Stopped for lunch)
                          2nd longest: - 19 mins – The Pride Of Paddington – Paddington Station No. 18

Average time spent in pub: - 12 Minutes 88 seconds.  (Not including lunch break)

Total time spent in pubs: - 6 Hours 42 Minutes

Shortest travelling time between pubs: - 7 minutes, Between Barbican and Farringdon

Longest travelling time: - 21 Minutes, Between Tower Hill and Aldgate.

Average travelling time: - 12 Minutes 35 seconds

Total travelling time: - 5 Hours 19 Minutes

Time taken to complete first 13 pubs: - 5 Hours 13 Minutes

Time taken to complete last 13 pubs: - 5 Hours 43 Minutes


Total number of drinks: - 108 (54 Pints)

Break down of drinks: -

                                     41 X CARLING (20 ½ PINTS)
                                     23 X FOSTERS (11 ½ PINTS)
                                     7 X GUINESS (3 ½ PINTS)
                                     6 X BUDWEISER (3 PINTS)
                                     6 X VODKA + RED BULL
                                     5 X STRONGBOW (2 ½ PINTS)
                                     3 X CASTEMAIN (1 ½ PINTS)
                                     3 X CARLSBERG (1 ½ PINTS)
                                     3 X BLACKTHORN (1 PINT)
                                     2 X STELLA (1 PINT)
                                     2 X JOHN SMITHS (1 PINT)
                                     2 X YOUNGS (1 PINT)
                                     2 X VODKA + COKE
                                     1 X RUMPUS (1/2 PINT)
                                     1 X BOMBARDIER (1/2 PINT)
                                     1 X FORTYNINER (1/2 PINT)

Who drunk what: -

                                  ADAM EDWARDS:-

5 Pints of Carling   3 ½ Pints of Guinness
2 Pints of Fosters   3 Vodka + red Bulls
½ Pint of Bud   ½ Pint of Castlemain
1 Vodka + Coke    

                    ADAM THOROUGHGOOD: -

5 ½ Pints of Carling   3 ½ Pints of Fosters
1 Pint of Bud   ½ Pint of John Smiths
½ Pint of Bombardier   ½ Pint of Rumpus
½ Pint of Youngs   ½ Pint of Castlemain
½ Pint of Carlsberg   ½ Pint of Stella

                                            MICKEY HILL:-

5 ½ Pints of Carling   3 ½ Pints of Fosters
1 Pint of Bud   1 Pint of Carlsberg
½ Pint of John Smiths   ½ Pint of Youngs
½ Pint of Castlemain   ½ Pint of Stella
½ Pint of FortyNiner.    

                                                 PETER HILL:-

4 ½ Pints of Carling   2 ½ Pints of Fosters
2 ½ Pints of Strongbow   1 ½ Pints of BlackThorn
3 Vodka + Red Bull   ½ Pint of Budweiser
1 Vodka + Coke.    


Total amount spent on drinks: - £158.64

Cheapest Round: - £4.00 (Liberty Bounds (Spoons) @ Tower Hill & The Crown & Anchor @ Euston Square.)

Most expensive round: - £12.50 (Sticky Fingers @ High Street Kensington)

Average round price: - £5.88

Who spent what on drinks: -

                                         Adam Edwards - £40.12

                                        Adam Thoroughgood - £36.62

                                        Mickey Hill - £42.07

                                         Peter Hill - £34.75

* Received too much change when we brought our food, so this extra money was used to buy 1 round. (Round cost £5.08)